The Iphone8 Design Allegedly Leaked
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The IPhone 8 design allegedly leaked

  shahid nazir

Currently, a big news rumored that iPhone 8 designs are being leaked from sources. This news makes disturbance among the people who are Apple oriented or the Apple users. Apple has its own market and its own users that are desperately waiting for the new Apple phones. This news breaks the attention of their users that Apple is ready to launch the new phone i.e. IPhone 8 in near future.

The Iphone8 Design Allegedly Leaked

This news is mainly about the design of Apple’s IPhone 8. It reveals that the new Apple phone will have no home button that will be a great change because up till IPhone 7 there is a home button right on front below the screen. Furthermore, another change is about the fingerprint scanner that will be implemented underneath the screen of the phone. The leaked pictures of the phone i.e. IPhone 8 are basically the dummy phones, as pictures reveals that there is a camera on the back upper left corner is vertically placed. The volume button is on left and power button on right as in apple phones, and speakers are right at the bottom.

The phone has a metallic body, moreover the metallic rim that recalls the IPhone 4 n 4s. The anterior of the phone is of glass2.5D curved edges, but according to the rumors it will be like Apple going to use OLED instead of LCD.

Mostly, the Apple launches its new IPhone in September, but according to the news this year it has been postponed, because of the new interventions like fingerprint scanners, glass front of phone, it may take some extra time for manufacturing and same for the audience that great things take time.

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